Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chapters IX-XI Questions

Why do our “trough periods” make us so vulnerable (43)?  Is this applicable to you?Often times when we fall into a rough period of our lives, it's easy to feel like we will never be able to get back up. We can convince ourselves that after our past indiscretions God could never want us back again. Often it is hard to come back to God after we've pushed him so far out of lives. However, He's never really gone. He's simply waiting for us to call him back. This point was very applicable to me. I often get spiritually lukewarm very quickly. Often I haven't pushed God completely from my life, but neither am I raising him up to the forefront. As a Christian, The Screwtape Letters have challenged me to keep my focuses on God.
What are your thoughts regarding “parallel lives” (51)?  What does this mean to you?It's very easy to fall into a pattern of "playing the part" of whatever social group you're in. In essence, we do the best to fit in with the people around us, or simply become so used to their mannerisms that we mimic them subconsciously. This chapter really spoke to me. I often find myself trying to "balance" my Christian testimony with my relationships to my friends. When I'm with certain friends, often the urge to fit in drowns out my moral obligations. I smother the guilt, and compare myself with others to ease my worries. In reality, this is a shameful habit. Besides the obvious facts of hypocrisy, this is simply making excuses for failing to meet God's standards. Our time on earth is fleeting, and it was never meant to be our true home. Therefore, Christians should keep themselves distinctly separate from the world.
What are your thoughts on music and joy after reading this chapter?  I believe that, as with all things, both music and joy were created with the intention of bringing glory to God. Although (especially nowadays) music is often used in a perverse way, it is still a beautiful way to unite Christians in the worship of God.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Chapters V-VIII Questions

What is Screwtape’s idea on the best way for humans to die?  Why?  
Screwtape wishes to let them die in a "costly nursing home amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, and friends who lie." Regardless of the religious orientations of a patient, sympathizers often feel compelled to comfort them with empty promises. Often families and friends will be told that their loved one will "be in a better place soon", which gives them a false sense of comfort. They concern themselves more about "burdening" the patient in his final hours then with the fate of his eternity soul. Many individuals don't realize how fleeting the life we are given is.
How does “...malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary” (28)?  How does this apply to your life?
Often when told to love our enemies, we're not quite sure how to apply it. We smile and nod in church, but when it comes to applying the lessons to the real people in our lives it doesn't connect in our minds. We're told to love our neighbor, but our neighbor remains an abstract concept. We don't apply it to the grumpy sales clerks who frown at us in the supermarket. Instead we mutter about him and quickly seek to rid him from our lives. We're quick to donate our spare change to charities, but when asked to volunteer our time we're far too busy.
How do you picture the devil?  What does this chapter challenge you about regarding the spiritual warfare over your soul?
Regrettably, images of Satan first bring to mind a red man brandishing a pitch fork and glaring menacingly from a cartoon pit of fire. Years of subtle messages from the media have painted the devil as nothing but a harmless fictional figure. However, (sometimes subconsciously) every Christian knows that the devil is much more than a figure useful in threatening naughty children with. He is the ultimate epitome of evil and corruption. Often it is easy to consider him as a figurative threat, but the spiritual warfare that goes on in your heart is a very real thing.
What is the “law of Undulation” (37)?  Give an example of this in your life.
A person goes through many ups and downs in their spiritual life. Although it's not desirable, we all face moments where God seems far away. I often find myself on a "spiritual high" after S.E.W., however, the feeling often begins to fade, and I find myself struggling to hold onto my feelings of spirituality. It's important to remember that our love for God is not only a feeling, but a relationship. It's not up to us to 'feel' spiritual, we have to maintain our relationship with God.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chapters I-IV Questions

Note the simple dedication. If you were to write a "spiritual" book, who would you dedicate it to? Why? 
If I wrote a spiritual book, I would dedicate it to my parents. They've done a lot for me over the years. More than I could ever pay back, in truth. My parents helped me to accept God, stay strong in my walk, and encouraged me when I faltered, and there is no way that I would be the same person without them. I'm truly grateful to have both of them in my life. 
What does Lewis mean by “real life” throughout the chapter?
After years and years of the same, monotonous schedules, it can be difficult to consider something outside the norm as part of our lives. It is comparable to viewing something on the television. We can watch shows about rich celebrities, but the daily grind of real life seems a far cry from their pampered schedules. For many Christians, it's difficult to picture God in their daily lives. When at work, school, or even lounging at home, it's easy to forget that God should be a part of our every moment. We can become accustomed to only calling on Him when it is expected of us. However, it is important to remember that our "real life" is only a temporary situation, and our eternity with God is our true future. 
What are your thoughts on church? Is it something you “do” every week? 
 When we think of a church, images of Gothic cathedrals and solid, wooden pews are often summoned to mind. However, church is more than a building where we gather each week to worship. It is the entire body of Christ, every believer world wide who has called on the name of Jesus Christ and accepted him as their savior. There is no set requirement in the Bible to meet every week in a church to sing hymns and hear a message. Although there is no denying the usefulness of such a tradition, it is important to keep our focus on learning about God rather than falling into the "church trend". Every Christian has their spiritual highs and lows, and during my low points I sometimes feel that church is the last place I want to be. However, a little one-on-one time with God is often what I need to get me out of a low point, and I would never doubt the power of assembling with other believers. 
 What are your "daily pinpricks"? 
Repetitive noises are a special peeve of mine. Whether it's someone mowing the yard, tapping a pencil, or a car alarm going off outside, they drive me up the wall. What makes the situation even more agitating is that once I'm settled, getting up to shut a window or turn off a phone is almost more than my fragile psyche can bear. Being crazy and lazy have proven to be a rough combination. 
What kind of clarity do you think Hell provides? 
Hell is a place more horrible than any individual could possibly imagine. To be thrust into a situation that you deemed purely fictitious, you would quickly realize the error of your ways. All the opportunities that were presented to accept God would flit through your mind, but no matter how you wished you could change your decisions, your eternal fate would be sealed.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Just a quick introduction :)

Gmail : Shanjrau@yahoo.com
Youtube : FurikakePopcorn
Blogger : http://shanshonorsliterature.blogspot.com/
Google Site : https://sites.google.com/site/shanluvslit/

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A. To me, writing was always a way to bring my fantasies to life. When you look for books, you're often searching for something different, a way to escape the mundane. Although you may find a book that you deem perfect, it will always be another person's ideal. However, when you are writing, you get to choose everything from the main character to the smallest details of your story. You can create a beautiful world full of magic and wonder or delve into the deepest pits of your soul. The choice is yours and no one else's.
B. As a kid, my dad read to me every night. I had gone through every book in the Children and Young Adult's Fiction Sections by the time I was in middle school. My favorite books by far are the Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin. I've kept up with Game of Thrones for the past few years, and have spent the last week avidly reading the last installment of the series, A Dance with Dragons. I'm also interested in historical fiction, political, current events, and fantasy.
C. If technology was a family member, it would be an estranged uncle or a third cousin. Although I was once an avid gamer, I try to avoid computers when I can and prefer to do most of my work and studying offline.
D. I like to read over the material and then have discussions or group analyses. I'm really looking forward to being introduced to so many new books, and I believe that is where I'll gain the greatest knowledge. However, I also like quizzes and tests as I feel that they really make you analyze the most important details in whatever you're studying.
E. I plan to major in English, and I'm hoping that this course will give me a greater knowledge and understanding of the subject.