Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chapters I-IV Questions

Note the simple dedication. If you were to write a "spiritual" book, who would you dedicate it to? Why? 
If I wrote a spiritual book, I would dedicate it to my parents. They've done a lot for me over the years. More than I could ever pay back, in truth. My parents helped me to accept God, stay strong in my walk, and encouraged me when I faltered, and there is no way that I would be the same person without them. I'm truly grateful to have both of them in my life. 
What does Lewis mean by “real life” throughout the chapter?
After years and years of the same, monotonous schedules, it can be difficult to consider something outside the norm as part of our lives. It is comparable to viewing something on the television. We can watch shows about rich celebrities, but the daily grind of real life seems a far cry from their pampered schedules. For many Christians, it's difficult to picture God in their daily lives. When at work, school, or even lounging at home, it's easy to forget that God should be a part of our every moment. We can become accustomed to only calling on Him when it is expected of us. However, it is important to remember that our "real life" is only a temporary situation, and our eternity with God is our true future. 
What are your thoughts on church? Is it something you “do” every week? 
 When we think of a church, images of Gothic cathedrals and solid, wooden pews are often summoned to mind. However, church is more than a building where we gather each week to worship. It is the entire body of Christ, every believer world wide who has called on the name of Jesus Christ and accepted him as their savior. There is no set requirement in the Bible to meet every week in a church to sing hymns and hear a message. Although there is no denying the usefulness of such a tradition, it is important to keep our focus on learning about God rather than falling into the "church trend". Every Christian has their spiritual highs and lows, and during my low points I sometimes feel that church is the last place I want to be. However, a little one-on-one time with God is often what I need to get me out of a low point, and I would never doubt the power of assembling with other believers. 
 What are your "daily pinpricks"? 
Repetitive noises are a special peeve of mine. Whether it's someone mowing the yard, tapping a pencil, or a car alarm going off outside, they drive me up the wall. What makes the situation even more agitating is that once I'm settled, getting up to shut a window or turn off a phone is almost more than my fragile psyche can bear. Being crazy and lazy have proven to be a rough combination. 
What kind of clarity do you think Hell provides? 
Hell is a place more horrible than any individual could possibly imagine. To be thrust into a situation that you deemed purely fictitious, you would quickly realize the error of your ways. All the opportunities that were presented to accept God would flit through your mind, but no matter how you wished you could change your decisions, your eternal fate would be sealed.

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