Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chapters XII-XV Questions

What is the “safest road to Hell”?  Do you agree or disagree?
Screwtape states that the safest road to Hell "is the graduated one". I would agree wholeheartedly. A gradual fall away from God is barely perceivable to most individuals. They brush off their unease and make excuses for their spiritual decline. If your separation from God is a swift, disruptive attack on your faith, you'll be far more likely to take immediate action. If not, it's often just as easy to walk away.
“The man who truly and disinterestedly enjoys any one thing in the world, for its own sake, and without caring two-pence what other people say about it, is by that very fact forearmed against some of our subtlest modes of attack.”  Why is this true?  And what is one simple thing that you truly enjoy?
Often, simple pleasures in life can distract us from the less admirable diversions of the world. We'll be less likely to take advantage of a sinful temptation if we are already content in our relationship with God. Also, pleasure, if used within the boundaries of Scripture, is a gift from God and therefore brings glory to him. It is imperative to remember that pleasure is not a sin in itself, but is corrupted by sin. One simple thing that I enjoy is my job in early childhood after school care. It's one of the few times where I can kick back and act like a complete idiot with the children.
“The more often he feels without acting, the less he will be able to ever to act, and, in the long run, the less he will be able to feel.”  Share a time in your life when this has been true.  
During a difficult period in my life I found myself falling away from God. I had done something, a "small sin" in my mind, that had gradually weighed me down until my relationship with God was in shambles. I was convicted countless time, but I just couldn't bring myself to come back to Him. I felt that I had wandered too far away from him, and I just wasn't sure where to begin the process of reconciliation. The sin had become a part of my life On the outside I kept up my facade of Christianity, but on the inside I could feel myself slipping. Finally, I completely eradicated the sin from my life, and although it took awhile for me to find my way back to God, I can't explain the relief that I felt. I wasn't aware of how terrible the guilt had weighed on me until I was free of it.
“We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbow’s end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now....”  What does this mean to you?
When we place all our focus on the future, it often makes it very difficult to keep God's plan as our priority. When people only think of the end and not the means it can create a mindset where the future has no importance. People will pay no attention to their current situations as long as their current goals for the future are completed. Especially as a high school student, it's easy to see how people can start making plans for the future without consulting God or anyone else. Often times, I find my plans concentrating on myself and what I want, and when my plans start to fail I start to blame myself and everyone around me. As a Christian, a mindset where God's priorities are not put first fails to meet what should be the ultimate goal of our lives.

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