Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Is Dickens still relevant?
   While America may not be on the brink of a nationwide revolution, we still face a similar situation. Millions of families go without enough food each night, and individuals rave against the politics of a corrupt government. Conflict is simply a part of human society. No matter what form it takes, sin, the root of all suffering, remains the single factor of all hardship on earth. Therefore, despite the scenario, we will often feel comradeship with another human in a tough situation. We may not be able to relate to their exact situation, but chances are, we've encountered something similar.
     Another thing that ties us together is people. Although our clothes and mannerisms may change, the people behind them really don't. Kindness, greed, and virtue are still perpetuated in society everywhere we look. Likely, we all know someone, or a few people, like Carton, Lucy, or even the Veneers. However, Dickens' character aren't simply hollow replicas of humans. He breathes life and personality into every aspect of them, and frankly, that's how good writing is supposed to be.


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